Fruit snacks. For long, food and beverage giants have been pulling a fast one on you by using the word 'fruit' to sell nutritionally suspect products.

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French fries : With the mushrooming of fast food joints, french fries have befriended children's taste buds more than ever.

Image source : google

Sugar cereals : It's no secret that most sugary cereals are hopelessly low on fibre and high on carbs.

Image source : google

Deli meals : Multiple researches say that processed red meat, such as hot dogs or bologna, can up the risk of diabetes.

Image source : google

Sweetened drinks : Drinking soda or cola increases their odds of developing type-2 diabetes and ending up obese.

Image source : google

Granola bars : The catch is again on the cover. Hunt for bars that contain at least two grams or fibre and less than 10 grams of sugar.

Image source : google

Honey : This is why doctors often recommend that babies avoid products that contain honey.

Image source : google

Cheese : While cheese is a fabulous source of calcium and protein, you need to watch your child's portions.

Image source : google

9 Best Vegetables for Diabetes