Nov 22, 2022

credit: Olivaclinic

10 Yoga Poses To Lose Weight

Boat Pose:

Boat pose or Navasana is highly effective for a strong core. It also improves metabolism and reduces belly fat with regular practice. Both men and women can try this pose to improve balance, flexibility, and posture.

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Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Plank Pose:

Plank pose or Phalakasana, helps reduce abdominal fat and improves core and shoulder strength. This is also suitable for both men and women.

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Warrior 1 Pose:

It helps in improving one’s balance and getting a good stretch of the leg and arm muscles. It improves core strength and increases fat burn from the abdominal region.

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Black Section Separator

Warrior 2 Pose:

Virabhadrasana 2, is a variation of the Warrior 1 pose. It is easy to do and is among the best poses for weight loss. With regular practice, you can expect a flat stomach.

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Bow Pose:

Bow pose or Dhanurasana is an excellent pose to increase fat burn in the abdominal area. It works by stretching the muscles around the tummy, arms, and legs.

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Green Leaf Shape
Green Leaf Shape

Chair Pose:

Chair pose or Utkatasana works wonders for both men and women. It mainly targets legs, thighs and knee muscles. The pose helps improve metabolism and accelerates fat burn.

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Bridge Pose:

 Bridge pose, also known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, helps improve metabolism and stimulates abdominal organs for improved digestion. It is great for both men and women.

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Cobra Pose:

Cobra pose or Bhujangasana provides a good stretch to the abdominal muscles and helps reduce belly fat. Both men and women can include this in their routine. Avoid it if you are pregnant.

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Cat-Cow Pose:

The Cat-Cow pose or the Marjaryasana – Bitilasana helps release tension in the neck and spine areas while burning belly fat in men and women.

Credit: google

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