How to protect yourself from monsoon-related diseases

Increase Vitamin C Intake : You must boost your immunity. One of the easiest ways of doing so is by increasing your Vitamin C intake.

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Do Not Eat Junk : Food items exposed to open air during the rainy season are a flourishing environment for microorganisms.

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Clean Fruits and Vegetables Before Consuming: You are most likely to suffer from water-borne diseases if you consume these vegetables and fruits without washing them properly.

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Get Enough Sleep : Eight hours of sleep bolsters immunity and prevents flu and the common cold conditions that are common in monsoons.

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Exercise : Exercising regularly will not only help you stay fit but is also a great way to boost your immunity.

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Follow Hand Hygiene : Washing your hands for 20 seconds or more will keep you safe from these germs during the monsoon.

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Bathe in Disinfectant : Washing your hands, feet, and legs is advisable as you get back home from the rain. Remember, use fresh.

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