Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss

Eggs : Eggs may help reduceTrusted Source appetite when eaten with breakfast. This can give weight loss a serious boost.

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Wheat Germ : Wheat germ is a component of the wheat kernel that contains a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals.

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Bananas : ResearchTrusted Source suggests that resistant starch may help reduce food intake and decrease belly fat.

Image source : Google

Yogurt : Greek yogurt delivers a hearty chunk of protein in every serving, making it an ideal weight-loss breakfast food.

Image source : Google

Smoothies : Filling your smoothies with veggies and low calorie fruits can boost your fiber intake, your gut microbiome and helping you feel full longer.

Image source : Google

Berries : Many important vitamins and minerals, berries are rich in fiber, which may help reduce hunger and food intake.

Image source : Google

Coffee : Drinking it may help support weight loss, such as eating a balanced diet and exercising.

Image source : Google

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