Processed Meats :Hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats are loaded with sodium. This salt spike can eventually lead to high blood pressure.

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Ready-to-Eat Foods : Eating less of these foods can lower your chance of high blood pressure and related eye problems.

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Cooking Oils : A landmark study 30 years ago linked too much linoleic acid, with a higher chance of AMD.

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Fish and Shellfish : Most of us have no reason to worry about the mercury in fish and shellfish in moderation.

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Fried Foods : Deep-fried foods cooked in trans fats raise your LDL, cholesterol levels and could lead to heart disease, stroke.

Image source: Google

Margarine : It’s made with vegetable oils, so it has unsaturated “good” fats. All things considered.

Image source: Google

Bread and Pasta : Researchers have linked simple carbohydrates, like those found in white bread and pasta.

Image source: Google

8 High-Fiber foods for Breakfasts