8 Surprising Causes of Adult Acne

Hormones : Hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, and sebum production and cause acne to develop or recur.

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Heredity: There is major evidence for a genetic influence on acne. The condition does run in families, and if both of your parents had acne,

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Oil-based beauty products :Harsh chemicals in laundry detergent can also irritate sensitive skin.

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Stress and Anxiety : Psychological and emotional stress directly affect the levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, making acne worse.

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Medications : Drugs that contain androgens, corticosteroids, or lithium can make acne worse.

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Diet : Although for a long time we thought that eating greasy foods and chocolate caused acne, a direct link between a high glycemic/high dairy diet and acne.

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Pimple popping : This just causes more blocking, swelling,multiplying your pimples. It also makes scarring more likely.

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Too much sun: Sunburns cause your skin to dry out, which triggers the production of more oil to compensate.

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