Protein Rich Food For Vegetarians

Lentils : Each cup of lentils contains about 18 g of protein making it an excellent source of vegetarian protein.

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Legumes : Legumes include varieties of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas and similar ones that are widely considered to be a powerhouse of proteins.

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Nuts : Nuts are basically superfoods. If you wish to follow a good veg protein diet, you should strongly consider adding nuts to the cavalry.

Image source : Google

Green Peas : green peas are an excellent source of protein. A cup full of these green beauties gives you nearly 9 g of protein.

Image source : Google

Quinoa: Quinoa is gradually catching on in India as a food that is healthy, low in fat and high in protein.

Image source : Google

Soy Milk : Soy milk as a good source of protein and this is entirely true. soy milk is a great one, containing nearly 7 g of protein per cup.

Image source : Google

Oats : A small cup of oats can provide you with nearly 6 g of protein and a quarter of your daily requirement of fibre.

Image source : Google

Chia Seeds : Chia seeds have recently caught on in India and are being used more and more in our country as a superfood.

Image source : Google

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