Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana) : Virabhadrasana will tone your glutes, calves and knees. Stand straight with feet wide apart. Keep your right foot pointing inward and left foot, outward.

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Forward bend (Hastapadasana) : Hastapadasana will stretch your body and warm up your muscles and joints. Stand straight with your feet together.

credit: google

Tree pose (Vrikshasana) : Vrikshasana strengthens glutes, feet and abs and improves balance. Stand straight with yoru feet together and arms on the side.

credit: google

Downward dog position (Adho Mukha Svanasana) : Adho Mukha Svanasana is an important part of the Suryanamaskra and it improves blood circulation, flexibility and strengthens the spine.

credit: google

Seated twist (Bharadvajasana) : This asana will tone your abs, reduce double chin and improve flexibility. Sit on the ground with your legs crossed.

Bakasana : As daunting as it may appear, bakasana is actually pretty great for your skin. Sit in the malasana position and then place your palms on the floor ahead of you.

credit: google

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