Tips to manage sweat during summer

Stay hydrated: Drink early, drink often, and drink again. Sweat plays a critical role in keeping your body cool in hot temperatures.

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Wear loose: Loose clothing enables perspiration to evaporate and natural, breathable fabrics "wick" moisture away from your underarms.

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Apply antiperspirant: Application of an antiperspirant to underarms twice daily  has been shown to be more effective.

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Reach zen: Anxiety can increase sweat production. Control anxiety by breathing deeply and focusing internally.

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Avoid sweat-inducing spicy foods and caffeinated beverages to help stay cool in the warmer weather.

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Avoid mid-day workouts: When the sun is at its peek, the body is more inclined to sweat, so Avoid mid-day workouts.

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Know your medications: Make sure to check with your physician before you start any new medication.

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