Top 8 Rainy Season Flowers in India

Balsam : Balsam is a vibrant, hardy annual flowering plant hat blooms profusely during the rainy season.

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Marigold : Marigolds are among some of the best flowers for rainy season. They are resilient annuals that bloom brightly during the rainy season.

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Cosmos : Cosmos is a hardy annual flowering plant that flourishes in the rainy season, producing daisy-like blooms in pink, white, and purple.

Image source : Google

Sunflower : Sunflowers thrive in the rainy season, with their bright, large yellow blooms turning heads.

Image source : Google

Zinnia : Zinnias are vibrant annuals that bloom prolifically during the rainy season. With their bright, multi-colored.

Image source : Google

Cleome: Cleome as rainy season flowers A tall spiny plant with large clusters of flowers with long prominent stamens.

Image source : Google

Salvia : Salvia is easy to grow, attracts pollinators, and adds bold colors to monsoon gardens, making it one of the best flower plants to grow in rainy season.

Image source : Google

Portulaca : Its vibrant, rose-like flowers come in various colors and thrive in well-drained soil and full sun.

Image source : Google

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