9 Essential French Snack Foods

Gougères : The gougère is the French version of a cheese puff. The savory treats are made with choux pastry.

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Palets de dames : The name "palets de dames" means "ladies' pucks" and these cookies, if made correctly, look a little like a parasol.

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Vol-au-vent : the vol-au-vent, as Oxford Reference defines, is just a filled puff pastry. vol-au-vent might be served either hot or chilled.

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Pissaladière : We have the good people of Nice, France, to thank for the pissaladière .This tart is, in many ways, like a very much upgraded pizza.

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Pommes frites : The French and the Belgians are hesitant at best to give up credit for this invention.

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Panisses : Panisses are very similar to french fries, but made from chickpeas. Originating in Provence and, more specifically.

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Socca : Socca is a Nice-derived snack that, like the panisse, also requires chickpea flour.

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Macarons : macarons are the second-most well-known snack food of France. These adorable little light and airy.

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