Monsoon Skin Care Tips For All Skin Types

Exfoliation Is Key : Use a natural exfoliating scrub on your face and body to do away with dead skin cells and grime.

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Don’t Skip Sunscreen : Sunscreen is a must in all seasons, even if it is cloudy outside.

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Apply Moisturiser : Keeping skin moisturised and hydrated prevents your oil glands from overproducing oil or sebum.

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Opt For Minimal Makeup : This tip works for monsoon because you don’t want to have mascara streaming down your face if you happen to get drenched.

Image source : Google

Image source : Google

Tips For Dry Skin : Moisturise your skin after cleansing without fail. Stay hydrated.Avoid taking hot showers.

Tips For Oily Skin : Cleanse your skin with a gentle face wash at least twice every day.

Image source : Google

Tips For Itchy Skin : Use natural skin care products without any fragrances.Use soap-free cleansers.Never forget the sunscreen.

Image source : Google

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