Yoga Poses to Relieve Period Cramps

Apanasana : If you’re at the beginning of your period, this is a great pose to offer some relief—without requiring too much active movement.

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Supta Matsyendrasana :If you’re feeling more pain or discomfort in your midsection, a slight twist will still offer your body relief.

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Balasana : This pose can feel a bit more intense than other gentle poses, Boland says it generates a lot of relief in your pelvic region.

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Ardha Matsyendrasana: This twisting posture can generate movement throughout your midsection—and offer you some relief from painful period cramps.

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Utthita Trikonasana : If you’re craving a bit more movement in your practice, try Revolved Triangle Pose.

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Utkata Konasana :If you’re craving a bit more activity, this pose can help support the tissue around the pelvic area, alleviating that period pain.

Image source : Google

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