Pregnancy : When you’re not pregnant, your body sheds the lining of your uterus each month. That’s what’s happening when you have your period.

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Extreme diet : A healthy diet can do wonders for your health. diet or exercise, you’re experiencing secondary amenorrhea.

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PCOS : PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that interferes with your body’s ability to release an egg. you usually don’t have a period.

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Stress : Being super stressed out isn’t just a drain on your mental well-being. It can also cause physical symptoms — including delayed or absent periods.

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Hormonal birth control: Hormonal contraceptives contain progestin or a combination of progestin and estrogen, two hormones that work to prevent pregnancy.

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Thyroid conditions : It’s one of the many hormonal mechanisms that help dictate your periods. If it’s overactive or underactive, you might have a late period.

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Youth : Your periods should become more predictable in your late teens and 20s. But if you continue to have irregular periods speak with your healthcare provider.

Image source : Google

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