8 Foods to Eat During Your Period

Water : Staying hydrated can reduce your chances of getting dehydration headaches, a common symptom of menstruation.

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Fruit : Water-rich fruits, such as watermelon and cucumber, are great for staying hydrated.

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Leafy green vegetables: It’s common to experience a dip in your iron levels during your period, particularly if your menstrual flow is heavy.

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Ginger: A warm mug of ginger tea can improve certain symptoms of menstruation.

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Chicken : Chicken is another iron- and protein-rich food and it can help you stay full and sated during your period, curbing cravings.

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Fish : Consuming iron will counteract the dip in iron levels that you might experience while menstruating.

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Turmeric : Turmeric is known as an anti-inflammatory spice, and curcumin is its main active ingredient.

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Dark chocolate : A tasty and beneficial snack, dark chocolate is rich in iron and magnesium.

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8 Iron Rich Foods To Add To Your Diet