8 Reasons you should never skip breakfast

It improves metabolism : You need a nutrient-dense breakfast that can provide you energy to get through the day.

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It boosts energy : Starting your day with the right kinds of foods in the morning can help keep you feeling energised.

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It improves focus : Eating a breakfast high in complex carbohydrates can help improve your focus for the rest of the day.

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It improves memory : Eating breakfast daily can help improve your cognitive functions, including memory.

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It aids better mood : Everyone knows that food makes people happy. Eating a well-rounded breakfast especially puts people in better moods.

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It lowers risk of diabetes : Without having breakfast, the insulin level can drop and then spike after lunch, which might increase the risk of type “2” diabetes.

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It decreases inflammation : Skipping a meal in the morning can lead to chronic stress and inflammation in the body.

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It helps maintain healthy weight : If you are looking to lose weight, don’t skip breakfast.

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Benefits of Walking for 10 Minutes After a Meal