Summer foods that keep you cool

Cucumber: Cucumbers instantly hydrate the body and bring down the body heat. Snack on them as a salad or with your favourite dip.

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Melons : Musk melons sell like hot cakes in summers. the melons make for great summer companions.

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Leafy Greens : The green leafy vegetables are high in nutrient value, calcium and provide a good cooling effect on the body.

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Buttermilk : The Indian drink of the summers is buttermilk and the wisdom of the ages shines through.

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Mango : The king of fruits is your best alternative to reducing body heat. There are myriad ways of incorporating it into your diet.

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Lemon : Lemon boost the immune system, make your skin glow and add a healthy dose of Vitamin C to your diet.

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Curd : curd should be your go-to option for a healthy summer alternative to cold fizzy drinks.

Image source : Google

Fish : To boost the protein content in your diet without depending on meats, turn to fish. makes for a tasty alternative.

Image source : Google

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